Saturday, December 29, 2007

Trip down South

Well we had a fairly uneventful trip to Irving and then to Monroe. We left at midnight on the 19th and made it over Lookout pass without having to chain up (someone did lose control and tap our backend cracking our rear bumper in the wheel well on the passenger side), and I drove until we got to Butte where we stopped for breakfast. We made it to Cheyenne the first night and we all enjoyed soaking in the hot tub, then on to Irving on Friday for a midnight arival and an enjoyable Saturday with Tim, Heidi and Berry. Saturday after dinner we left for Monroe and arrived just after midnight. Sunday Rick and I felt a need for proving our insanity, so we went and did the food  shopping for Christmas eve and day. Four hours and many stores later we finished shopping for two days worth of food. We had a wonderful Christmas here with the Capezza family and are still planning a Jan. 15 return. Hopefully we can do a picture post soon.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

I know, girls develop faster than boys...

The other day Noelle called Rebekah and I answered, to which she replied:"Yoh not mommy!"
Then today she asked for a "noosey time" and Rebekah said:"Nursey Time! Why!" to which she responded: "Betause I'm Tiyoed!"
She definitely knows her mind more than the boys did at her age, not being swayed by question rephrasing or any of the other common tricks

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Our young photographers

Check out these pictures of Noelle that David and Timothy took...

Monday, December 10, 2007

On Saturday late morning, the kids & I covered pretzels. It was fun, and really messy. Here are the results, both of the pretzels and the faces:

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Part of Noelle's Christmas Present

The Highchair and bib. Not pictured are the dolly sling and cradle w/t mattress.

Monday, December 3, 2007