Two ordinary people who seek to follow God on an extraordinary journey. By the grace of God they became one and from that union have come seven fellow Travelers...this is their story.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Snow Day!
The City of Spokane said chains are required to travel on the South Hill.
Consider Spokane's city streets CLOSED, except for Monroe and Post on the north side, and Thor/Freya and Stevens on the south side.
Drivers are reminded to NOT block intersections, as that causes gridlock.
So I checked out front and Wall St. has not been plowed in who knows how long.
Decision time...let's call it a snow day!!!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
It's a winter wonderland outside. I'm not sure what the official amount is but it looks like about 8 inches have fallen out there in the last 6 hours. I love it, but hate having to drive in it. Today was a bit of an adventure: Forrest got to unload a truck of propane in the cold and snow, and I got to take the kids to the dentist, back home and then this afternoon to the midwife. Both of my driving distances were not far but took a long time in these conditions. The van handled pretty well, I was impressed.
So the report: Anastasia is now at 13 lbs! That means she has gained 3 lb, 11 oz. in 5 weeks 5 days. She is definitely a chub...she's got fat little legs and a big belly, and huge chubby cheeks that are so kissable. And while we're on the subject of weight, I've lost 27 lbs since having her. Hooray!

So the report: Anastasia is now at 13 lbs! That means she has gained 3 lb, 11 oz. in 5 weeks 5 days. She is definitely a chub...she's got fat little legs and a big belly, and huge chubby cheeks that are so kissable. And while we're on the subject of weight, I've lost 27 lbs since having her. Hooray!

Thursday, November 27, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Well, I brought the camera to church on Sunday and asked my dad to record the baptism, but foolishly I didn't change the movie setting from standard to compact, so it only got 4 minutes and the whole memory card was full! It's great quality but only has the baptismal covenant, not the actual baptism. Thankfully my dad got the rest of it on his camera, plus some stills, but that means y'all will have to wait until such time as I can retrieve them from his camera before I can post anything here.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
New pictures
Thursday, November 13, 2008
My baby
Anastasia is a very contented baby so far...she only cries when she's hungry, or being changed, or about to fill her diaper. (And not every time for any of those.) She's been pretty sleepy, but still nurses quite often, and today she was awake a bit more, which is really fun. Her eyes are so pretty. I'm still not sure if they're going to be blue or....?? They almost look like they're going to be something else, which I thought was impossible with Forrest and me both having blue eyes. But who knows? She does have darker hair than any of the other kids...although it's still a light brown and could very well end up blonde.
Today she smiled at me, awake! She has smiled in her sleep from...I don't remember...probably the second or third day. But this was the first time she smiled awake and it was so cute. It was a little bit crooked and made one of her eyes wink shut.
Anyway, without further ado, here are pictures.

Today she smiled at me, awake! She has smiled in her sleep from...I don't remember...probably the second or third day. But this was the first time she smiled awake and it was so cute. It was a little bit crooked and made one of her eyes wink shut.
Anyway, without further ado, here are pictures.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Introducing Anastasia Christiana Jael
Weighed: 9 lbs 5 ozs
Length: 22"
She and Rebekah are doing well. She has quite a bit of brown hair and a big fan club.
Now I think I'll go to bed!
P.S. It looks like Taneisha was the closest guess overall.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Well the two year Presidential election season is over, now how much longer is it going to be for us to find out our Governor?? Oh well, Friday we get our Amby bed (that we got for $117 shipping included) and we keep telling Анастасия she can come out any time. I'm REALLY looking forward to meeting her! Please be pray that I will be patient... but that she will come soon...but what really matters is that Rebekah and Анастасия are both safe and healthy. Timothy wants to watch the birth and I told him that was Mama's decision to make, but he is also fascinated with the umbilical cord so I told him if she is born in the night he can get up and help cut the cord.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Almost forgot...
The other day Forrest was asking Timothy, "Can you go downstairs and get the tortillas out of the freezer, or do you need me to do that?"
Timothy took a bit of thinking to decide, and finally answered, "Okay, I'll do that, and I'll let you take care of David and Noelle. They're in your bedroom eating Mama's heartburns."
Forrest just thought it was hilarious that Timothy was going to "let" Forrest take care of the kids. Oh, and heartburns is what they call Rolaids.
Timothy took a bit of thinking to decide, and finally answered, "Okay, I'll do that, and I'll let you take care of David and Noelle. They're in your bedroom eating Mama's heartburns."
Forrest just thought it was hilarious that Timothy was going to "let" Forrest take care of the kids. Oh, and heartburns is what they call Rolaids.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
So the other day Timothy wanted me to throw him some pitches outside. I'm not a good pitcher, but I try to get it within range of the bat. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes not. Well, Timothy's not perfect at batting either. At one point he says, with a smile on his face, "There's a kinda bad pitcher pitching out here today..."
"Hey!" I said and gave him a look.
"Just kidding," he said, smiling even bigger.
And then Noelle yesterday, at about 10:30 in the morning, was upset about something so started crying and just lying on the floor. I asked her what was wrong and she wailed, "I had a long day!"
And I'm excited to be at 33 weeks! Only seven to go...or maybe eight. Or nine...but hopefully not. Anyway, I *should* have the baby before November 21st, so we can make it to church on the 23rd to be confirmed (and possibly have the baby baptized)! My "baby-gaga" ticker on the blog says the baby is about 4.75 lbs now...I totally believe that, she feels so big in there! I'm obviously not the only one feeling crowded lately. It's reassuring to feel the bottom on the left side, and the head down (I can especially tell when she has the hiccups, just where the head is). I feel like I'm hardly eating lately...but then I have to have protein shake and a couple slices of cheese before bed just so I can sleep, and if I wake up too much in the middle of the night I can't get back to sleep easily, partly from being hungry and partly from being thirsty...but then I can't drink much or I'll be up several times in the next hour! *Sigh*'s not all bad though...and I am so excited about meeting my new baby! It's a little strange (and cool) to think of being mother to a newborn other three kids seem so independent at this point.
And in the meantime, we have plenty to do...possibly help my dad get firewood (always a fun outing), possibly see Matthew do the Drum-Off store finals (he was in top 2 out of 10 at the prelim!) we have to get in our annual visit to the corn maze & pumpkin patch, and the Arboretum; then we have Halloween, and then Shane's baptism on All Saints' Sunday. Now that I think about it it's a little bit exhausting!
"Hey!" I said and gave him a look.
"Just kidding," he said, smiling even bigger.
And then Noelle yesterday, at about 10:30 in the morning, was upset about something so started crying and just lying on the floor. I asked her what was wrong and she wailed, "I had a long day!"
And I'm excited to be at 33 weeks! Only seven to go...or maybe eight. Or nine...but hopefully not. Anyway, I *should* have the baby before November 21st, so we can make it to church on the 23rd to be confirmed (and possibly have the baby baptized)! My "baby-gaga" ticker on the blog says the baby is about 4.75 lbs now...I totally believe that, she feels so big in there! I'm obviously not the only one feeling crowded lately. It's reassuring to feel the bottom on the left side, and the head down (I can especially tell when she has the hiccups, just where the head is). I feel like I'm hardly eating lately...but then I have to have protein shake and a couple slices of cheese before bed just so I can sleep, and if I wake up too much in the middle of the night I can't get back to sleep easily, partly from being hungry and partly from being thirsty...but then I can't drink much or I'll be up several times in the next hour! *Sigh*'s not all bad though...and I am so excited about meeting my new baby! It's a little strange (and cool) to think of being mother to a newborn other three kids seem so independent at this point.
And in the meantime, we have plenty to do...possibly help my dad get firewood (always a fun outing), possibly see Matthew do the Drum-Off store finals (he was in top 2 out of 10 at the prelim!) we have to get in our annual visit to the corn maze & pumpkin patch, and the Arboretum; then we have Halloween, and then Shane's baptism on All Saints' Sunday. Now that I think about it it's a little bit exhausting!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Taken from Holly...
1. COOK: I flatter myself that I'm a really good cook, and baker; plus I enjoy it.
2. SEW: I can sew pretty well, but don't enjoy doing it often.
3. CLEAN: I pride myself on my cleaning. That is, when I actually get around to it.
4. SING: I think I can sing pretty well, but hate hearing my voice recorded or mic'd--it so embarrasses me.
5. PLAY AN INSTRUMENT: I *can* play viola, a little, I just haven't for a long time.
6. WRITE:'s not a question of "can you"...but "do you"...and I really haven't for a long time.
7. READ: I'm not an avid reader.
8. PAINT/DRAW: I paint horribly, I draw a little...if I take forever I can make something look decent.
9. TELL STORIES: I give way too much unnecessary detail when telling a story and totally bog it down!
10. PERSUADE: Not well.
11. RESIST THOSE WHO WOULD PERSUADE YOU: Huh. Depends on the person. If it's Forrest, resistance is futile.
12. FLIRT: I don't know!
13. SEDUCE: Well, when I try it always seems to be effective...but that could be because my husband really likes me.
14. DRESS: As well as I can, if I feel like it.
15. DECORATE A ROOM: I think I can do this fairly well.
16. DECORATE A CAKE: Not great.
17. PARALLEL PARK: Ugh. I don't think I've ever done it, and hope I never have to 'cause I would probably end up hitting another car.
18. REGULAR PARK: Fine. I prefer the slanted parking spaces to the straight ones.
19. CONTROL YOURSELF AROUND FOOD: I don't usually find the need to control myself...I don't feel that I have very much temptation that needs resisting when it comes to food. a couple months...things might be different when everything sounds good again.
20. CONTROL YOUR STRONGEST EMOTIONS: If by "control" you mean "suppress"...not well at all.
21. TAKE CARE OF CHILDREN: Really well...but I have my days...
22. MAKE A CUP OF COFFEE: Pretty well.
23. MOTIVATE YOURSELF: It depends.
24. ORGANIZE: Pretty well.
25. MAKE A DEADLINE: I make deadlines all the time with my kids... "Get this job done by X time...or else."
26. MAKE OTHERS FEEL COMFORTABLE: As long as I'm trying to, I think I do fairly well. ?
27. WRAP A GIFT: Quite well, and I enjoy it.
28. DANCE: I like dancing but wouldn't say I'm good at it.
29. SWIM: I like swimming but am really bad at it.
30. DEBATE: Not well at all. I'd take it too personally.
31. DEFEND YOURSELF PHYSICALLY: Horribly. That's what guys are for.
1. COOK: I flatter myself that I'm a really good cook, and baker; plus I enjoy it.
2. SEW: I can sew pretty well, but don't enjoy doing it often.
3. CLEAN: I pride myself on my cleaning. That is, when I actually get around to it.
4. SING: I think I can sing pretty well, but hate hearing my voice recorded or mic'd--it so embarrasses me.
5. PLAY AN INSTRUMENT: I *can* play viola, a little, I just haven't for a long time.
6. WRITE:'s not a question of "can you"...but "do you"...and I really haven't for a long time.
7. READ: I'm not an avid reader.
8. PAINT/DRAW: I paint horribly, I draw a little...if I take forever I can make something look decent.
9. TELL STORIES: I give way too much unnecessary detail when telling a story and totally bog it down!
10. PERSUADE: Not well.
11. RESIST THOSE WHO WOULD PERSUADE YOU: Huh. Depends on the person. If it's Forrest, resistance is futile.
12. FLIRT: I don't know!
13. SEDUCE: Well, when I try it always seems to be effective...but that could be because my husband really likes me.
14. DRESS: As well as I can, if I feel like it.
15. DECORATE A ROOM: I think I can do this fairly well.
16. DECORATE A CAKE: Not great.
17. PARALLEL PARK: Ugh. I don't think I've ever done it, and hope I never have to 'cause I would probably end up hitting another car.
18. REGULAR PARK: Fine. I prefer the slanted parking spaces to the straight ones.
19. CONTROL YOURSELF AROUND FOOD: I don't usually find the need to control myself...I don't feel that I have very much temptation that needs resisting when it comes to food. a couple months...things might be different when everything sounds good again.
20. CONTROL YOUR STRONGEST EMOTIONS: If by "control" you mean "suppress"...not well at all.
21. TAKE CARE OF CHILDREN: Really well...but I have my days...
22. MAKE A CUP OF COFFEE: Pretty well.
23. MOTIVATE YOURSELF: It depends.
24. ORGANIZE: Pretty well.
25. MAKE A DEADLINE: I make deadlines all the time with my kids... "Get this job done by X time...or else."
26. MAKE OTHERS FEEL COMFORTABLE: As long as I'm trying to, I think I do fairly well. ?
27. WRAP A GIFT: Quite well, and I enjoy it.
28. DANCE: I like dancing but wouldn't say I'm good at it.
29. SWIM: I like swimming but am really bad at it.
30. DEBATE: Not well at all. I'd take it too personally.
31. DEFEND YOURSELF PHYSICALLY: Horribly. That's what guys are for.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Meal ideas?
We need some new ideas for dinners around here. I went looking online and there's just so much to weed through...if any of you have good ideas for meals, your own favorites, whatever, please tell me about them!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Noelle's haircut and other miscellaneous...
Forrest suggested the other day that we bob Noelle's hair to give it some fullness...I thought it was a good idea so we went right ahead and did it. I was very happy with the results.

Here she is playing with Lightning...which she absolutely loves to do.

This was from before the haircut...all the kids were just being crazy on the couch.

And here is me at 30 weeks. I'm making a weird face and the picture is a little blurry since David took it...but it's better than the other ones the kids got!

Here she is playing with Lightning...which she absolutely loves to do.

This was from before the haircut...all the kids were just being crazy on the couch.

And here is me at 30 weeks. I'm making a weird face and the picture is a little blurry since David took it...but it's better than the other ones the kids got!

In these pictures you can see how much Timothy looks like his daddy...they are playing a videogame and making the exact same expression.

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