Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Cute/funny sayings, etc.

Timothy took these pictures the other day...actually, some might be by David, I can't remember.

The other day when I was trying to get David to go to sleep for naptime (which was unsuccessful, but that's OK, he's four) he said to me in his cute David-voice, "Are Isaac and Heather here?"
"No," I answered.
"Are Uncle Isaac and Aunty Heather and Dylan and Harrison and Jacqui at home?"
I said that yes, they were probably at their house, except Uncle Isaac might be at work.
"And...what else does Aunty Heather has?"
"Tyrel?" I asked.
"Yeah. I forgot about that." he said.

And then the other night during devotions, we sang "Glory be to the Father..." and at the end, Noelle said in a whisper, "We tan't say Alla-lu-lah." (For those of you who are wondering at this--during the rest of the Church year we say that after Gloria Patri, but during Lent we leave it off.)

More pictures: we got an iPod recently. Here's Forrest with the kids, trying it out.

And lastly (for tonight), Lightning found out recently that he LOVES the taste of the underside of this table.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Random stuff with bits of cuteness.

The other night we were going to pick up Forrest at the yard, and the full moon was rising just above our house. I pointed it out to the boys and Timothy said, "Jesus is the moon."
"Jesus is the moon??" I replied.
Pause. "Who is the moon?" Timothy asked.
I explained that the moon was not a person.

Speaking of the moon, last night we saw bits of the lunar eclipse. It was just eclipsed as we were going into church, and about a quarter out of eclipse when we got out.

Oh, going back to the other night, Forrest asked Noelle if she wanted to help lead Compline. She agreed to that and when they got to the prayer, Forrest was telling her to say, "Visit this place, O Lord,"
"Visit dis place O Lord,"
and so on until,
Forrest: "Let your holy angels"
Noelle: "Let yo' silly angels"
I couldn't hold in my laughter...I was kind of disruptive to the rest of devotions because I kept breaking out every time I pictured God putting his silly angels in charge of us.

Oh, and then this morning when I got her down for breakfast and asked her to say "thank you", she said, "Daint-you for dat munny, munny bessust!"

Our puppy is cute. Sometimes when I'm working in the kitchen he'll step on my foot (or feet) trying to get all four paws on to cuddle up. Well, then I'll have to move over to the sink, or the stove, or whatever and he gets pushed off, but next time I keep still for more than five seconds he'll try getting back on.

Our snow is melting a bit. The backyard is still full of it, but it's almost gone through the driving-path of the alley, and starting to disappear from the front yard.

Weather Channel has been giving us severe weather alerts for "air stagnation" for the last couple days. This means increased pollutants in the air here. Weird. I wonder if it has anything to do with the headaches I've been having. I'm looking forward to getting those severe weather alerts for thunderstorms.

Well, I gotta put some healthy, practically organic, whole wheat, and really yummy, bread in the oven. And see what those boys are up to.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Ron Paul! Ron Paul!

Dear Friends and Family,
If you have not yet heard much about Ron Paul, I urge you to go on the internet (if you don't have a fast connection, go somewhere with high-speed internet) and watch at least the CPAC videos I have put on our blog's sidebar. Ron Paul is the only Presidential candidate who is truly honest with the American people about the state our nation is in. He tells it like it is--but more than that, he has real plans to make our money worth something again, to make government much smaller on the Federal level--he calls himself the "champion of the Constitution." Please check him out. If you're of the opinion that you vote your conscience no matter what, well, he's your guy. If you only vote for someone who has a chance, well, he DOES have a chance, if you give him your vote!
And coming from me, someone who has been very uninvolved in politics and for the most part has not cared, I think that's saying something.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Six Amazing years! Thank you Rebekah for putting up with me!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Cute Conversation and some random pictures

David was rubbing Rebekah's feet this morning and Noelle walked by. David: Noelle do you want me to scrub your feet? Noelle: No! That not amazing!