Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snow Day!

So after getting up at 4 a.m. to head over to Missoula I checked outside and discovered we have at least 18" of snow...and finding this an a local news website:

The City of Spokane said chains are required to travel on the South Hill.

Consider Spokane's city streets CLOSED, except for Monroe and Post on the north side, and Thor/Freya and Stevens on the south side.

Drivers are reminded to NOT block intersections, as that causes gridlock.

So I checked out front and Wall St. has not been plowed in who knows how long.

Decision time...let's call it a snow day!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

It's a winter wonderland outside. I'm not sure what the official amount is but it looks like about 8 inches have fallen out there in the last 6 hours. I love it, but hate having to drive in it. Today was a bit of an adventure: Forrest got to unload a truck of propane in the cold and snow, and I got to take the kids to the dentist, back home and then this afternoon to the midwife. Both of my driving distances were not far but took a long time in these conditions. The van handled pretty well, I was impressed.
So the report: Anastasia is now at 13 lbs! That means she has gained 3 lb, 11 oz. in 5 weeks 5 days. She is definitely a chub...she's got fat little legs and a big belly, and huge chubby cheeks that are so kissable. And while we're on the subject of weight, I've lost 27 lbs since having her. Hooray!