Life can be summed up in this: God is good, God is gracious, God is faithful! It's so amazing, as He draws us closer to Him and we live our lives more intentionally, how we can see a little glimpse of His work not only in our own lives but in the lives of others and in our church and in the world. HE is doing amazing things, and to Him be all the praise and glory!
I'm way excited about moving. Although I will miss our church family and our friends, it's so exhilarating to know that we are following God's leading. I'm a little freaked out with how much needs to be done in how little time, but overall I'm so excited and can hardly wait to be at Nashotah.
We had a great visit with Hannah over the last several weekends (and then a whole week at the end). She is a sweet, giving person who's a joy to be around. She's visiting grandparents now and will be back here, with Forrest's parents and the rest of their family soon!
Okay. Now to pictures. These were from our trip to Moses Lake a couple weeks ago.
Timothy in a tree at a rest-stop on the way to Grandpa & Grandma Mullin's.
David and Anastasia.
Hannah and Noelle.
Forrest with Grandma.
Timothy, David, & Noelle with Thomas and Kelsey (Forrest's that makes them our kids' umm...something cousins?)
Jenny, Hannah, Aunt Debbie, Timothy, & Zachary.
Not sure what they were laughing about :-)
Anastasia having an orange cream bar.
The marshmallow roasters again.
One of Grandma Mullin's beautiful roses. This one smelled really good too.