Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pumpkin time!

The kids with their pumpkins

All cool and glowy

The yummy stew we had for date night

and yes my posts are much more boring than Rebekah's :-)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Life is full! This last week has been Convocation week...see Matthew Kemp's blog post if you're interested in reading his description of this. It pretty much sums it up in some humorous terms! Anyway, as Forrest and I are both in Chapel Choir, one of the "work scholarships" we have, we got to sing for the Convocation service. It was a beautiful service. Lovely music. Fragrant incense. Some Latin spoken, which was pretty cool to hear. I thought of Timothy and how he would have loved to hear it. (As I was in choir, my neighbor babysat the kids at her apartment during the service. It was really great to be undistracted for a service!) The sermon was also really great, about how our faith is attacked in different ways throughout the church worldwide, and some of the subtle attacks in our nation on our faith and an exhortation to stand firm. Really inspiring. Several people received degrees: most earned, one bestowed (honorary)--to Metropolitan Jonah.

Other things to fill up life:

Homeschool...which is going pretty well, although this week we had a couple of days off, and now we're struggling to get back into a routine! But the boys are doing well, learning new things, and Noelle is beginning to sound out 2-letter and 3-letter words. I'm thinking she may be ready for kindergarten math also.

Evening prayer. Mondays through Thursdays, I try to get to evening prayer at chapel. I love going, although it really feels like intensive training time with the kids. This week we really haven't, just with a variety of different things going on that have been prohibitive. Right now Anastasia has a cold (which gives her a pathetically cute laryngitis-voice) and so I'm probably going to stay away from chapel for a little while. That's a little bit sad, but it's okay...sometimes it's nice to stay home from it. I have been doing morning prayer at home with the kids, and want to get in the habit of doing evening prayer at home on the days we don't go.

Thursday evenings they usually have "community Eucharist" which means it's specially geared toward the whole community coming. This I love. And although I was wary at first, I have been letting the kids (Noelle & up) go to Godly Play, which they do during the service for the younger kids. They have really enjoyed it and it's a worshipful thing for them, and they come back into the service for communion. This week, the evening Eucharist isn't happening because of Convocation being yesterday--but that's just as well, that way there isn't something to miss tonight! :-)

AT1 (Ascetical Theology) class on Monday nights, which is always interesting, educational, and spurs me on to improve my spiritual life. Fr. Klukas is the main professor for this class, and he is not only a riot but also a person I greatly respect. He obviously has a deep relationship with Jesus, and is not afraid to talk about his own weaknesses.

And then there's grocery shopping, family movie night (which we do on Fridays), and always something to do in our community life. Last week we had our Fall Festival, which was a lot of fun. The kids of the community went out and trick-or-treated at all our apartments, then we went on a hay ride over to the gym for activities and snacks. After about an hour being there, we got back on a hay ride that took us around campus, and there were sightings of the Black Monk! OooOOoooh! Then back to the Peaks circle for a bonfire, and Jason Collins told a story about the "Nashotah Lake monster" and how Bishop Parsons fought it and slung it halfway across the world, where it landed in Loch Ness. LOL.

Forrest's midterms are going on circa now also. He had his Greek mid-term, which he thinks he did well on, and he has two papers due next week. If you think of him, pray for him in this hectic week!

I'll try to get some pictures/videos up soon. Anastasia has a prayer she says for Forrest and for me (very similar to each other) each night when we tuck her in, and I got her praying for Forrest on video. It's really cute...although I'll probably have to put up a caption of what she's saying. I'd better scoot for now!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Weekend Excoursions to Holy Hill and the woods surrounding Nashotah House Part 1

The lawn below the Fort.

Entrance to Holy Hill

Dome on top of one of the buildings, the refectory I believe, at Holy Hill

The right front of the Basilica

Statuary in one of the chapels

The Bishop Ackerman altar...I mean Infant of Prague!

The children checking out the St. Michael statue

The Annunciation

One of the Stations in a Stations of the Cross trail they have at Holy Hill

Looking out across the vast wilderness of Wisconsin

Left front of the Basilica

The Basilica from the parking lot

Weekend Excoursions to Holy Hill and the woods surrounding Nashotah House Part 2

Heading into the woods

Climbing over a log

"Daddy take a picture of me!"

Behind Lewis Hall

In the woods near the Sinner's Cross

Looking across Nashotah Lake at the beautiful fall colors

Below the Chapel, what amazing colors!

Tree climbing in front of the library

Why I loose staring contests!

Beautiful colors in the Garth

Monday, October 18, 2010

Cute sayings...

Anastasia has this new thing about everything "getting" her. When I went to pour cream in coffee this morning she says of the cow on the carton, "Scared. Puppy. Puppy getchu."
And then she found a little piece of the black end of her banana peel on the table. "Bug!" she says. I explained it was a banana crumb. Then it was, "Banana crumb, getchu." Oh brother!
We went to have Compline last Tuesday night in the Chapel of St. Peter & St. Paul in the Fort. In there is a statue of King Jesus. "Scared," says Anastasia, "Jesus getchu."
"No, Jesus is not going to get you. Jesus loves you!"

She enjoys looking at Baby Jesus and Crucifixes though. Often she'll look up at the crucifix on the rood screen in chapel and say, "Jesus died." Or at Baby Jesus and Mary at the side altar, and say "Baby Jesus! Saint Mary!" I think it's so beautiful that my children can have the visual aids present in the chapel...that wherever you look when you're in there, you are presented with a story, and reminded of God's love for you.

So yesterday at church (which, the one we attend is also in the Chapel of St. Mary, where daily morning and evening prayer are held) I was trying to keep Anastasia quiet so I was showing her different stained glass windows and telling her the names of the saints on them. We get to the window of St. Charles. Now, a little background: the girls' bedroom wall is shared on the other side by Charles' bedroom. So sometimes when the girls are going to bed, we have to tell them if they get loud, "Be quiet. Charles is sleeping!" So anyway, I showed her the window and whispered, "St. Charles." She replied, "Saint Challows, sleeping."

Oh and this one is for Grandma Lisa. Yesterday Noelle and I were talking and she said, "I wish Grandma Lisa lived in Nashotah."
"Do you miss Grandma Lisa?"

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Football Fight!!

Here are some pictures from the third annual football game against St. Francis de Sales

Warming up before the game

Getting a pep talk

Fr. Klukas prior to blessing the teams and the field

Preparing to vest

Being helped into his cope by the cheer leading squad

Timothy wearing Fr. Klukas' Capela Romana

Censing and praying for the teams

Getting ready for the snap

We lost this year but that still doesn't convince me of Papal Supremacy!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Picture update

This was last Saturday night; Forrest and I had a "date night" in the other room while the kids watched a movie on the portable player, on the kitchen table. Anastasia fell asleep in her seat. :-)

The three other kids. As you can see, the boys are immersed in the show. Noelle is self-conscious of her cuteness and looks up with a smile.

Last Tuesday at football practice. "Football fight," as Noelle was calling it. Tomorrow's the game!

They practice up by the water tower.

Noelle with her friend Addi.