Bishop (Dean) Salmon, making sure Anastasia doesn't fall :-)
Timothy dressed up as the Black Monk, to be the mascot.
Noelle touching Bishop Salmon's hat. He's so good with the kids!
Alethea demonstrating how to use the pom-poms.
Anastasia tries it out.
Black Monk fans :-) Anastasia sits with Brenna (our neighbor).
The Black Monk cheerleaders...minus one, plus their "helpers" (all three of the older kids were right there with the cheerleaders most of the time).
Alane lifting high the cross, with the help of Sarah and Caleb :-)
Anastasia and the Black Monk.
I love this shot of Forrest!
Sarah and Anastasia.
All in all, it was a good effort by the Black Monks; though we lost, it was only by a touchdown which is so much better than last year. Here are both teams (plus our cheerleaders) at the end of the game. St. Francis de Sales received the St. Lawrence cup.
Our team and cheerleaders :-)
After the game, both sides had Evensong together in their chapel, and then we went downstairs for a great meal, provided by St. Francis de Sales.
On the way home...this day was the first I had seen Lake Michigan since seeing it from the airplane when we flew in for Experience Nashotah last year. This isn't the best picture, obviously, since it was already dark out.
Traffic. Thankfully it wasn't bad considering this was the day of the last Brewers game.