Monday, April 14, 2008

Pregnancy status, and trying to live "green"

After four days of feeling relatively great, I'm back to my weak sickie state today. I've been laying (or if I'm feeling "better," sitting) on the couch pretty much all day today. I was just reading several different articles in a health magazine about natural products, health benefits from whole foods, and the risks of all the chemicals we come in contact with in our daily lives, and then here I am eating a bowl of conventional cold cereal. Okay, so I try to use natural products and eat natural/raw/organic foods to some extent...but there are some things I just can't do, at least not while I'm pregnant and sick. Cold cereal is one of the few foods I can actually eat when I feel sick. But hey, the milk is organic and whole! And I'm getting protein from it, and fat for the baby.

On a different note, I was reading letters to the editor in the newspaper the other day. I don't know why I do this because I usually end up getting annoyed and frustrated at stupid people, or narrow-minded people. Well, there were three letters about Global Warming. Two were on one "side" of the issue and the other was on the other "side." This is what annoys me so much: that we have to take sides. Either you are a complete believer in Global Warming as an irrefutable fact, or, you believe it's a bunch of hooey and therefore we don't have to try to take care of the earth better than we have been (especially as Americans). Now, I'm not convinced that Global Warming is real. But that's no reason to keep filling up the landfills and using toxic household products and buying gas-guzzler cars for no reason other than that they make me look good. It frustrates me especially that any Christian would not try to change how they live in order to affect the planet for the better, when we're supposed to be the stewards, the caretakers, of creation. I believe we have all the more responsibility, regardless of how we feel about the whole Global Warming issue.
Besides, the personal health benefits of doing your part to reduce toxins and harmful chemicals in the air, in the home, and in food, not to mention that many of the "green" things we can do actually cost less (or at least do in the long run), are so worth it!


Ryan said...

Amen Sista! Either you totally agree that global warming will be the end of us or you think the whole thing is dumb and do nothing..... hmm or maybe there is a middle . Ahh wait that makes too much sense so that can't be right.
I know that's kinda mean but I get upset about this issue too. I just read something really interesting but it's too much to say on here so remind me next time we see you.
Oh and Ryan and I are calling this our junk food baby. Seems like if it's healthy it makes me sick if it's pretty much crap I can keep it down. It really sucks but what are gonna do.

Rebekah said...

LOL--seems like that's how this pregnancy has been for me too! On Friday I was feeling well enough to go shopping with Forrest, and after a few hours of that I was really tired and hungry and we went to McDonalds, and I got a hamburger, and sitting down I didn't know if I would be able to eat it. But when I took a bite, it tasted so good and fake.

RachelCapezza said...

I like Kashi cold cereal -- I think it's organic, and it's yummy.

Re: Global Warming, I hate that it's used as a scare tactic to get people to live "greener" lives. I mean, shouldn't we just have the desire to take good care of God's creation without the threat of our eventual demise?

I do hate that it's presented as a fact, when it's still very much a theory, and there are varying opinions on it.