Friday, August 22, 2008

Well, I haven't posted for a while. Things have been pretty crazy around here all summer. It's finally feeling manageable again...and for that I'm so thankful. I'm getting excited about having a little baby in less than three months! (Or...well, up to three months, depending on how late I go.) Yesterday was Dylan's 6th birthday, and Victoria's 5th. Happy birthday Victoria!! We went over to Isaac and Heather's to celebrate Dylan's birthday...he had been hoping that his mama would have her baby (or, as he has believed, babies) while everyone was over, but so much for that! I'm glad for Heather's sake it didn't go that way, although knowing how a woman would be very unlikely to go into labor with lots of company over, it's not at all surprising. Anyway, yesterday was also her due date. So we all wait in eager anticipation for some happy news!
The weather has changed for the better. It had been very hot here lately, and while hot is great for swimming, we weren't able to take advantage of that on every hot day, and either way I was drained of energy from the heat, besides spending money on A/C both in the house and in the car. It's SO wonderful to just open the windows and have a cool breeze! Last night it was below 50 degrees and it's so fresh and moist outside and it smells delicious!
Well, that's all I have to say for now. Maybe one of these days I'll get some pictures up. :-)


Anonymous said...

Ah, it is so nice to read a Rebekah's news post (i.e., that which Rebekah writes). We're looking forward to seeing pictures, especially ones with Grandma Tucker in them. :o)

Anonymous said...

Yay for a new post!! We had weather in the 100's last week. That made us very thankful for our powerful swamp cooler. :o) Actually, with how well this swamp cooler works, we haven't had to be so careful about keeping the house dark during the day, because it's livable regardless. Swamp coolers probably wouldn't work too well up there, though, because of the greater humidity you have.

Rebekah said...

Yeah, Mom was telling us about the swamp cooler--that's so nice! And money-saving. :-)
We'll have to get some pictures with Mom and the kids...forgot to get the camera out at all yesterday or the day before!