By the way, we are loving it here. Life has been pretty busy but so full of blessings. Homeschool is going well--both the boys are doing well in math, David is picking up speed this year on phonics and getting into long vowel sounds now; Noelle is beginning to sound out 2- and 3-letter words and seems to "get it" pretty well! I just started reading "The Mystery of History" with the boys, which is a chronological telling of history beginning with Creation. Okay so I can't really judge so far...but I like it and am excited about it! (Thanks to Mommy for that book!)
We are really enjoying having (twice) daily chapel available to us; we go once a day most days, some days we skip but we haven't gone twice a day hardly ever.
We love the people here. I'm particularly thankful for many people here...among whom is my neighbor Holly, whose girls are close to our girls' ages and they love playing together. She also has a little baby boy who is very cute, and she graciously watches my kids on Thursday afternoons when I go to rehearse for choir.
I'm also really enjoying our Ascetical Theology 1 class, which is weekly on Monday evenings. We go, have food (so far either pizza or sub sandwiches) and babysitting is provided for the almost 2 hours of class time, which includes a powerpoint presentation and plenty of discussion. It's great that they've made the effort to allow spouses with children to attend this, without having to worry about arranging babysitting or even paying for it.
Okay. I'll put up some pictures and then I need to get to bed!
Smoke from the incense. Beautiful.
Dark, but you can see Forrest in the stalls with his classmates.
Going up to sign the book!
Dean Munday.
I think this was during the Peace.
All of us in the "court of the Gentiles;" a couple of the young people about to take up the elements for communion.
Afterwards, having some refreshment and fellowship right before dinner.
Fr. Peay!
Holly (my neighbor) wearing Asa (her son) and talking to Susan, whose husband Bryan is in the background, talking to Christian.
Forrest talking with Jason (a classmate) and Chad (er, Rev. Hart), a senior and newly ordained a deacon...and one of our neighbors!
thanks so much for sharing! I am so thankful that you are fitting in and have made new friends! My God richly bless you, my beloved daughter and family!
Love, Mommy
Super cool! Thanks for taking the time to describe it and put pictures up! I've heard of the Mystery of History... once you have an opinion formed of it, let me know. :o) Miss you all!!!
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