Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Easter Eggs and Palms, signs of the season!

Close up of the yellow onion skin dyed red eggs

Cute Anastasia

Anastasia and David 'Rock Climbing'

Anastasia climbing by herself

Noelle's turn!

And more super-cuteness!


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness!!! Anastasia is getting so big! I love her long ponytail. Was it really warm enough for bare feet?
I miss you all so much I could cry.
Love, Grandma Lisa

Forrest said...

Well after our short visit this summer, we'd LOVE to have you visit us here!!! Any time! :-)

Forrest said...

It says "Forrest" but it was actually me (Rebekah) and I'm too lazy to delete and repost that comment under my own name :-)

Hannah said...

Is that table tasty, Anastasia?

Does the onion dye transfer flavor as well as color? That's super cool! I've always thought it would be cool to do natural dyes for stuff - although I hadn't thought of dying eggs, just yarn or whatever. Probably less mess!

Forrest said...

We don't know about the taste yet, we will find out on Easter :-)