Friday, August 21, 2015

And life goes on...

Many things have happened since my last post here on December 7, 2012.

"Really", you mutter a bit sarcastically and under your breath, "you think?!?"

We hope to resurrect this blog as a platform to share with those interested the big things that have marked the past three and a half years for us and those things that are to come.

I will do my best to recap those Big Things from the past:

In 2013 we:
Graduated from seminary 
Moved from Nashotah

To this house in Billings, MT

Where we found out that we were expecting our sixth child!

And I was ordained to the Anglican priesthood and established as the Church Planter in Billings

I had the honor of witnessing the marriage of my sister Hannah and her man Stephen

Here we are at the feast of Christ the King in our church plant

Fast forward to 2014 where we welcomed Chavvah, our sixth child and fourth daughter, into our family

And into the family of God!

We got to celebrate thanksgiving with a large portion of my family!

And then, at the leading of our Lord, who is our Captain, and the Holy Spirit who is our Guide on this Journey, we were welcomed into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil in 2015
I know, that is a lot to take in!

I know, it doesn't cover how we got from point 'a' to point 'b'.

But as I said at the beginning, the purpose of restarting this blog is to give Rebekah and I a platform for sharing those connections and the new turnings in our Journey together.

So stay tuned...

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