Wednesday, January 11, 2012

We take a lot of pictures of Anastasia!

The three older children recently spent an afternoon helping Dcn. Meredyth do some organizing, and from this came some new treasures. Here is Anastasia modeling the apron and chef's hat.

As you can tell, one of Anastasia's big things lately is 'helping' in the kitchen.

Here she is helping me remove tails from 'shwimps'.

'Shwimps' are one of Anastasia's favorite foods.

These were made into sweet and sour shrimp of which Anastasia had thirds!

The girls sot a big jug of bubble bath for Christmas and have been enjoying it immensely!

Anastasia helps Noelle fasten her dress for church.

Anastasia often gets tired in the middle of the day, but this day she gets to lie down with Mama!

Timothy's birthday cake, actually an ice cream sandwich which he wanted instead of cake or pie :-) 

Anastasia was pretending that the boys' cleaned out bookshelves was her  bunk-bed.

The dorky-dog begging :-)

I know this is just a random picture, but I thought it was a good one!

Our Christmas village.

I made Waikiki Meatballs the other day, and it was so pretty I had to take a picture.

Timothy and David making their own pizzas on "Make Your Own Pizza Night".

I'm not sure why he made this face but my guess is that it is because he is related to Rebekah and Me.

I told David to make a face that would convey what he thought of his pizza and this is what he came up with :-)

Noelle and Anastasia creating their pizzas.

Well that's all for now hope this picture update was enjoyable!


Anonymous said...

I loved the pics! Thanks for posting them! I think Anastasia is adorable....who was singing so loud for the birthday? Also, in the dorky-dog photo, it looks like there is an invisible person with slippers on by the door!
Love, Grandma Lisa

Forrest said...

The invisible person has one foot forward and the other backward!
David claims that he was the loudest when we sang "Happy Birthday".

Hannah Jasmine said...

Fun! It cracks me up that David thinks of grabbing his throat in association with his pizza. And the red peppers in the Waikiki meatballs really add nice color! And now I feel guilty for not posting pictures for so long. ;o)