Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Oh, and also...

Pictures of us at the Arboretum.

my handiwork...

This is one of the five cheesecakes I made and sold the other day...
(unfortunately I didn't get a picture of any of them when completed!)

And my workstation...

And here's the suit I've been making for Timothy! He is joining the forces of X-Men. The only thing I have yet to do on this costume is put the claws on.

My superhero children. Noelle tried putting Timothy's Spider-Man mask on inside out and backwards, but soon received help.

And this is not my "handiwork" but it is cute....

Monday, October 22, 2007

Pictures from Youssef's birthday party last Sunday

For Youssef's birthday, they did a Wii Sports "tournament" this year, where each of us could play what we wanted, and the winner from each group won a small prize. It was very low-key, which was great because then we got to do a lot of just visiting too.
More pictures are on my facebook.

Noelle cuteness.

Noelle is cute. This morning she woke up before I wanted to get up, but after going potty (in the toilet--this is becoming a regular occurrence!) and I went back to bed, she snuggled into the covers with me and said, "Tozy, Mama! Tozy!" She had woken up a little earlier while Forrest was getting ready for work, and said to me, "Wheoh Daddy dowing?"
"To work," I answered.
"I yove Daddy, Mama. I yove Daddy."
What a sweetheart.
Some other cute things she does:
She loves to sing, sometimes at a regular decibel level, and sometimes at the top of her voice, which is so loud considering her size. Her favorite lyrics are "Teeter totter, washy-face, dirty water," "busy day is done, mussy tired, mussy tired," and "Happy birthday tooo youuu!"
Cute phrases she often uses:
"Uppy yap" (to get on my lap)
"How 'bout..."
"Suppidy tummine!" (Somebody coming!)
"Wheoh ___ is?" (fill in the blank.)

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Loving cousin

As I was finishing that last post Noelle got out of her bath and came to my lap and demanded to see pictures of Symie (her name for Symeon ) and Teeyay (her name for Kyrie).
After delighting in those for a while she decided to nurse her bunny.

Firewood trip

We all went up to Priest Lake today to get firewood for Rebekah's parents (no pictures of the actual work because Rebekah and I were both working).
But here are a few good pictures anyway.
Tomorrow we are going to the Sleiman's house for a wii sports tournament (Youssef's birthday party), and we are taking a raspberry cheesecake and salmon with pear sauce.


Thursday, October 4, 2007

Weird thought:

If Holly's last name isn't Tucker anymore, does that make Hannah HJ1?

Tonight, right before bedtime:

David (yelling from the bathroom): I NEED WIPED!!
Me: Who's going to wipe David?
Noelle: I Dew! (that's the way she pronounces do, it's awesome cute)


In case y'all didn't notice, the My Cross post is all Timothy...And I enabled anon. comments (hint hint HM and HJ2)

Noelle's amazing memory...

We have been having the boys memorize Psalm 1, and Rebekah was telling how the boys did reciting it today, when in walks Noelle and I ask, "So how well did you do?" and then said, "say Blessed is the man," so she goes, "Blessed is man" pause "Who walks not council wicked" then she looked at our dumbstruck looks and went back outside to referee the boys sword fight.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

My Cross

Here is a picture of the Cross I made and painted all by myself: