Wednesday, March 12, 2008

More cute sayings from Noelle...

Lately Timothy has been saying in the proper course of conversation, "Speaking of ___,....." whatever we were speaking of.
Well, today Noelle said out of the blue, "Peeteen (speaking) of juice...tan I have juice?"
And then tonight during devotions, we were saying Psalm 134 together ("...the LORD who made heaven and earth bless you out of Zion.") and after we said Zion, Noelle pipes in, "The holy hill!" This is because as a family we have been working on memorization, and Psalm 2 is one of our current memory passages. ("I have set my king on Zion, my holy hill.")


Isaiah Eyre said...

You and your adorable and intelligent children.

RachelCapezza said...

Hahah! I LOLed at "Peeteen of juice.." and Kyrie wanted to know what was funny so I told her. Now she's saying "Peekin a juice...peekin a juice..." over and over.