Saturday, March 1, 2008

We made it!

Well four and a half hours of surgery, 22 metal caps and 6 white caps collectively and all the kids teeth are fixed (for now). We're all tired but the kids are mending well and hard to keep from being to active.
Pre-op Polaroids

Timothy's new teeth

David's new teeth

Noelle's new teeth

Timothy doing school (he read a couple of pages in a book the other night)

David making pizza crust

Best Buddies

And last but certainly not least the Princess


Ryan said...

Ok, this is way too much cuteness on one page!! Glad to hear everything went well. I can't believe how smart Timothy is. i am sure he gets it from his godparents.

RachelCapezza said...

WHAT? I didn't know all the kids needed fillings. I feel so out of the loop. Glad everything went well.

Isaiah Eyre said...

Timothy looks like some kind of pretty girl with that goofy hat on. :-P