Sunday, August 8, 2010

Time is flying by! We're close to ready, going in the morning to pick up our U-haul and then will have tomorrow and Tuesday to fill it. God has abundantly blessed us; we are just so thankful and amazed at His faithful provision, and at the generosity of His people! We have been blessed with many gifts from our friends and our church family. We're very excited about our trip!

Here are some pictures from the last few days:
On a Double Date (thanks to Ford and Hilary for watching all eight kids!)

At the Hathaways

At the Teilborgs


Ryan said...

LOL I love the pic of ryan sitting on my lap. Also the one of Forrest doing his bowling dance. ahhh good times.

Rebekah said...

I know--just the day after, it felt like classic "good old days" memories :-)

Hannah said...

Fun, fun, fun! That picture of Shane and Anastasia especially cracks me up. What on earth was he trying to prove?!?

Forrest said...

He was wiping cheesecake off her plate and feeding it to her :-)