Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Weekend Excoursions to Holy Hill and the woods surrounding Nashotah House Part 2

Heading into the woods

Climbing over a log

"Daddy take a picture of me!"

Behind Lewis Hall

In the woods near the Sinner's Cross

Looking across Nashotah Lake at the beautiful fall colors

Below the Chapel, what amazing colors!

Tree climbing in front of the library

Why I loose staring contests!

Beautiful colors in the Garth


Hannah said...

Wow, the fall colors are gorgeous! I love walking through town and seeing more color-changing trees - drink your fill of beauty while the cup is running over! (Not sure if that's a threat of ugliness to come or not. I hope not).
And, sorry to be the snotty little sister, but you lose staring contests, not loose them. Unless you had them all tied up before. :o)

Rebekah said...

LOL! :-)

Jessica said...

Can you guess what my favorite picture is? Why you lose at staring contests! ROFL!!! She's adorable!