Monday, October 22, 2007

Noelle cuteness.

Noelle is cute. This morning she woke up before I wanted to get up, but after going potty (in the toilet--this is becoming a regular occurrence!) and I went back to bed, she snuggled into the covers with me and said, "Tozy, Mama! Tozy!" She had woken up a little earlier while Forrest was getting ready for work, and said to me, "Wheoh Daddy dowing?"
"To work," I answered.
"I yove Daddy, Mama. I yove Daddy."
What a sweetheart.
Some other cute things she does:
She loves to sing, sometimes at a regular decibel level, and sometimes at the top of her voice, which is so loud considering her size. Her favorite lyrics are "Teeter totter, washy-face, dirty water," "busy day is done, mussy tired, mussy tired," and "Happy birthday tooo youuu!"
Cute phrases she often uses:
"Uppy yap" (to get on my lap)
"How 'bout..."
"Suppidy tummine!" (Somebody coming!)
"Wheoh ___ is?" (fill in the blank.)


RachelCapezza said...

I love their cute little ways of pronouncing things.

Anonymous said...

Noelle is SO sweet! She's getting so old. :o) I can't wait to see you guys (in only 30 days, yay!).

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so glad you posted this. :o) Yay for potty training! And yay for Rebekah posts!!

Rebekah said...

I wouldn't call it potty training...more like elimination communication.

RachelCapezza said...

How are you doing elimination communication? I can never figure out when Kyrie's about to go...except for #2, and even if she's started going, she'll stop when I sit her on the potty.

Rebekah said...

Well, it's only #2 that it works with for us...and it's not even all the time. Just in the morning, as long as I actually get up, I can put her on as soon as I see the sign. It's night she will tell me "poopy me" (which just means she needs to go potty, not necessarily poop) and I can take her potty, and her diaper will be dry and she'll pee. I wish she was so sensitive to it during the day. Oh well...she'd still need so much assistance, it'd hardly be worth it.