Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Taken from Holly...


1. COOK: I flatter myself that I'm a really good cook, and baker; plus I enjoy it.

2. SEW: I can sew pretty well, but don't enjoy doing it often.

3. CLEAN: I pride myself on my cleaning. That is, when I actually get around to it.

4. SING: I think I can sing pretty well, but hate hearing my voice recorded or mic'd--it so embarrasses me.

5. PLAY AN INSTRUMENT: I *can* play viola, a little, I just haven't for a long time.

6. WRITE:'s not a question of "can you"...but "do you"...and I really haven't for a long time.

7. READ: I'm not an avid reader.

8. PAINT/DRAW: I paint horribly, I draw a little...if I take forever I can make something look decent.

9. TELL STORIES: I give way too much unnecessary detail when telling a story and totally bog it down!

10. PERSUADE: Not well.

11. RESIST THOSE WHO WOULD PERSUADE YOU: Huh. Depends on the person. If it's Forrest, resistance is futile.

12. FLIRT: I don't know!

13. SEDUCE: Well, when I try it always seems to be effective...but that could be because my husband really likes me.

14. DRESS: As well as I can, if I feel like it.

15. DECORATE A ROOM: I think I can do this fairly well.

16. DECORATE A CAKE: Not great.

17. PARALLEL PARK: Ugh. I don't think I've ever done it, and hope I never have to 'cause I would probably end up hitting another car.

18. REGULAR PARK: Fine. I prefer the slanted parking spaces to the straight ones.

19. CONTROL YOURSELF AROUND FOOD: I don't usually find the need to control myself...I don't feel that I have very much temptation that needs resisting when it comes to food. a couple months...things might be different when everything sounds good again.

20. CONTROL YOUR STRONGEST EMOTIONS: If by "control" you mean "suppress"...not well at all.

21. TAKE CARE OF CHILDREN: Really well...but I have my days...

22. MAKE A CUP OF COFFEE: Pretty well.

23. MOTIVATE YOURSELF: It depends.

24. ORGANIZE: Pretty well.

25. MAKE A DEADLINE: I make deadlines all the time with my kids... "Get this job done by X time...or else."

26. MAKE OTHERS FEEL COMFORTABLE: As long as I'm trying to, I think I do fairly well. ?

27. WRAP A GIFT: Quite well, and I enjoy it.

28. DANCE: I like dancing but wouldn't say I'm good at it.

29. SWIM: I like swimming but am really bad at it.

30. DEBATE: Not well at all. I'd take it too personally.

31. DEFEND YOURSELF PHYSICALLY: Horribly. That's what guys are for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the last one!