Friday, July 8, 2011

Visit to the Tallahassee Museum

Last Friday we went to the Tallahassee Museum. Someone had four free passes they gave us, so we only paid admission for one of the kids! It was a lot of fun. They have a large zoo-ish section with animals native to Florida, in natural habitats, and then also a farm, old farm houses and other buildings, and a plantation house.
There were more animals than we got good pictures of, so I'll just share the ones that turned out well.

Timothy looks at the map to tell us where we go next.

Part of the snake section.

Bald eagles!

Here's a little owl in his box.

Some wild tom turkeys. We got a kick out of hearing their gobbles.

The kids, walking along the raised walk.

A panther. (aka cougar, puma, etc. But this one is a subspecies native to Florida--Florida Panther.)

Very pretty woods/swamp!

Alligator. All we could see was his head.

Foxes. This one is snoozing in a tree, the other one's on the ground.

Okay...this is the first time I've ever seen a white squirrel!

Cypress trees. They're so cool looking!

A huge snapping turtle (in the water)...I don't know what the other kind of turtle is. We got told the big one was a snapping turtle because the boys were calling it a tortoise.

David gets eaten by a big tire snake!

Noelle is getting pretty good at sliding down fire poles.

Ummm...limes? That's what I'm guessing anyway.

Sugar cane.

This was inside an old farm house that was built in the 1800's.

In another log house built in the 1800's.

This sheep was making faces at was pretty funny.

Goat. They also had horses, geese, chickens, turkeys, and a cow.

In a blacksmith shop. Look at the huge bellows!

In a caboose.

And on the back of it.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the photos! I really enjoyed these. It looks so pretty there. I was wondering if the mosquitoes are bad near the swamp? I loved the mangrove trees- it looks like you're the Swiss Family Robinson on the island!
Love, Mommy (aka Grandma Lisa)

Can't wait to see everyone and hug them again and again!

RachelCapezza said...

Cute pics. I really like Florida, though I've never been to that part of the state. Hope you have a great time at the beach tomorrow. You'll LOVE how warm the water is. :)

Hannah said...

Wonderful pictures! Such fun to wander through your adventures. :o)
And the poor kiddos with their mosquito bites! I remember that being a big problem when we were kids, but never as bad as that.
And that snake? Clever to no end!
Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

I think those "limes" might be papayas. I can't tell by the leaves- they're too hard to see. And I called the cypress trees mangroves in my comment above!
Esther thinks the pics were cool!

Rebekah said...

Hannah--mosquitoes are way worse down here than anywhere I've been. Part of it is that it doesn't usually get cold enough (like ever, year round) to kill them off! Also it's super wet down here.